“But If You Say So” Faith

Musings and Other Things
2 min readMar 31, 2018


I read Luke 5 a few months ago. I chanced upon my notes on it today while reviewing my journal for the highlights of the past quarter—and I realized that this is one of those entries that I believe needed to see the light of day. So, without further ado . . .

Deeper water it is. (Thanks for the photo, Unsplash!)

The chapter begins with Jesus preaching. He was gaining popularity, as He went from town to town healing the sick, casting demons out of people, and preaching the good news. By the time chapter 5 rolls around, everyone had been listening to Him preach, and He had to step in one of the boats and preach from the sea (!!!) because of the “great crowds.”

The boat Jesus was preaching on belonged to Simon, a fisherman by trade. Jesus then instructed him to go where the water was deeper, and cast his net there. Now, Jesus was a carpenter and I’m assuming He knew nothing about fishing—why was He telling Simon to go to deeper water?

Simon’s response is what gets to me.

“Master,” Simon replied, “we worked hard all last night and didn’t catch a thing. But if you say so, I’ll let the nets down again.”
- Luke 5:5

Simon stated the reality of their situation. They’d been at it all night, and clearly there was no return to their labor.

Now, here’s the catch (no pun intended)—Simon surely had heard of Jesus, knew who He was, and recognized His authority. He did what Jesus asked. Despite the facts, and despite the obvious situation, Simon obeyed anyway.

And this time their nets were so full of fish they began to tear! A shout for help brought their partners in the other boat, and soon both boats were filled with fish and on the verge of sinking.
- Luke 5:6,7

Simon didn’t scoff at Jesus for presuming to know better—because He really, truly did. Now, we know Jesus didn’t have to have fishing knowledge to be able to work that miracle, because He’s all knowing anyway, but Simon’s obedience made way for Jesus to work a miracle.

Simon’s “But if you say so” made all the difference.

It’s made me think about my attitude whenever Jesus tells me to do something. Do I presume to know better than Him—or do I face the facts and the reality of the current situation, and obey Him anyway?

Hindi nagmagaling si Simon dahil mangingisda siya at karpintero si Jesus; sumunod siya dahil kilala niya si Jesus.

That makes all the difference.



Musings and Other Things

KR. Work in progress. Learning, connecting, and adapting, one day at a time.