The Calm After The Storm

I had a full day. I had a good day.

Musings and Other Things
1 min readFeb 17, 2018

I got a lot done, and I de-stressed by playing with my neighbor’s dogs. That, and doing an errand with a friend and rewarding ourselves with a late lunch after running said errand, was the highlight of my day (#QualityTime and #ActsOfService, yo).

Truthfully, I’m not always after the high and lofty ways of destressing — sometimes, much-needed quality time with a friend hits the spot completely. Sometimes, it’s playing with animals. It’s also taking a long walk alone around my neighborhood. It can also be visiting a bookstore or library, and just allowing myself to be surrounded by books.

I found that in the busyness and flurry of this day, I also got to take care of myself, and that I did it well. The fact that I’m taking time to write it down is also a reward in itself. I’ll add to that tonight by doing extra skincare, and giving myself a good night’s sleep. 😊



Musings and Other Things

KR. Work in progress. Learning, connecting, and adapting, one day at a time.